Thursday, March 21, 2013

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Can't find time to update--it's a good thing?!

School started August 21 and I'm pleasantly swamped. Some awesome, awfully bright kids are in my class, but don't you worry because I will teach them a couple hundred things or two. One kid's a great artist, man. If I catch wind of any community art competitions, I'm definitely going to let their parents know. They're a bit shy but (of course!) I had an art project be our first English assignment and their talent showed through. That's what happens when you're a teacher with an inner artist, heh.

Catch you on the flip side, blogosphere! There's lots more to come.

Monday, July 23, 2012

When school starts... I will be ready

I've been shopping for the impending school year with my two lovable nieces. They were more excited than me to go shopping for supplies to decorate a classroom... way more excited than I would have ever thought. One of them told me to bring the classroom's paint swatches to make sure all of the other decorations matched the colors. Swatches? Where did they ever learn that. Do I sense some future interior designers?

Monday, June 4, 2012


Hi all, this is my brand spankin' new blog to chronicle the adventures of teaching middle school. I have been sitting in on classes and substituting for the past few years... and I just got hired for the upcoming school year! Yeah! Go me!

I can't tell you how excited I am to finally have a classroom of my own. This summer will definitely entail looking for decorations and other room planning. I don't think I'll have time to bask in the sun's rays when I'm basking in a new job with a new group of kids to meet and try to inspire. This past year has been crazy; I must have introduced myself to over five hundred kids, all because I decided it was a great idea to substitute at different schools, some that were substantially far away from my house.

It paid off though! Can't wait to blog about my new students.